Make a Great First Impression with Automated Messages

January 20, 2016

Tips for Making a Great First Impression

The very first message a subscriber receives from your company can make a huge impression on their view of your brand. As Will Rogers said, “You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression.”

Since subscribers are extremely interested in receiving your messages when they first sign up, welcome messages typically receive more than double the engagement that other messages receive.

1. Send a Welcome Email Soon After Subscribers Sign Up

Send a message welcoming new subscribers to your list as soon as they opt-in. This will help newcomers know why they are receiving the message, and show them that your company is quickly responsive.

2. Say “Thank You”

The purpose of the first welcome message should be to thank them for showing interest in receiving your messages. Use a warm and friendly tone to express how excited you are that they joined your list.

3. Set Expectations

Let your new subscriber know about how often they’ll be receiving messages, and what to expect in your typical message content. When subscribers are well informed, they’ll have the opportunity to eagerly await your messages.

4. Add to Safe Sender List

Give the subscribers directions on how to add your company to their address book or safe sender list. This can tremendously help the delivery of your messages into their inbox. Here’s a simple example of what to include:

“Please add %%fromaddress%% to your address book or safe senders list
in order to ensure the delivery of our communications.”

5. Invite Subscribers to Fill Out Their Profile

Include a link to the Profile Center, so that they can update their information. This gives them a chance to add their first name, address, etc. You can also let them to customize their subscription based on their interests, adding or taking themselves off of public lists.

6. Draw Prospects Deeper with a Followup Series

Take this opportunity to create an automated welcome series of messages, in order to warm up new subscribers over a set period of time. Target your new audience with specific content to introduce your brand or encourage specific actions.

How Critical Impact Can Help

When you create a sign up form in Critical Impact, you’ll be able to easily select a triggered message to send automatically when a new subscriber signs up for your list.

Develop a solid, lasting relationship with your subscribers by sending them a welcome series of messages using Critical Impact’s automated message tools. After selecting how many days to wait before sending each message, activate the series and let Critical Impact automate the process for all of your new subscribers.

With these powerful tools at your disposal, you’ll be able to welcome new subscribers and increase subscriber interaction with your email campaigns.