Personalized Email

Personalize Emails with Dynamic Content

July 9, 2019

Delivering personalized content improves your relationship with subscribers by providing them with relevant and targeted information. Your subscribers will see the real value of tailored information and respond with higher open and click rates. So how do you send relevant content when you have a large, diverse list of subscribers with different interests and behaviors? You can use dynamic content blocks to send a single email with content as unique as your subscribers.

Dynamic content blocks can contain any content such as images, text, or links, that you would like to use in the message content. Just insert a dynamic content rule into your message and each subscriber who matches that rule will receive personalized content in their email. Dynamic content will help you leverage data like demographic information, purchase history, website browse activity, email interactions, and even your CRM data.

Get to Know Subscribers Better

The first step towards sending personalized content is to get to know your subscriber’s specific interests. You may feel like organizing subscribers into meaningful groups will take a lot of time and energy. However, here are some tips to help you get started with data that you already have.

  1. Click Information
    You’ve already tracked what links subscribers clicked from messages. So categorize your links and use a dynamic list rule to pull all subscribers who clicked a specific category of link. This helps quickly group subscribers by the information they are highly interested in learning more about.
  2. Website Pages Visited
    With the Google Analytics integration, you can create a list of subscribers who stayed on the site for at least 10 seconds and viewed a specific page on your site. Then target them with relevant email message content to the page that they viewed.
  3. Location Demographics
    If you gathered a physical mailing address from subscribers who made a purchase, utilize this data to group into geographical regions. If you don’t have location information, you can use a dynamic list rule to target people who opened a message from an IP address in a specific location.
  4. Survey Results
    To gather more information from subscribers, send them a survey. Make it clear that your goal is to help send them more relevant information, so they see the value in providing you with more personal information.

Create Content Blocks

Once you have categorized your subscribers into meaningful segments, it’s time to develop personalized content. Perhaps you want to send a newsletter to everyone with the same main article, but then have the other articles dynamically show regional specific events. You can also set up a default piece of content to go to subscribers who aren’t currently in any of your groups. Be creative and have fun testing out different content that’s tailored to subscriber interests.

It’s time to build a strong relationship with your subscribers by sending them meaningful, tailored content. This will not only help improve your interaction rates, but also make subscribers look forward to receiving your email. We call that a win-win proposition.